What is the Enneagram and How Can it Help You?

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Have you ever been asked your Enneagram at a work happy hour or out to dinner with friends? Or maybe they were as vague as to ask if you are a 3? Or a 2 with a wing 3? Were you completely confused? Or, perhaps you had heard of the Enneagram test but only vaguely knew it as a personality test? If this is the case, you are definitely not alone. While the Enneagram is gaining popularity in different circles, it isn’t usually the first topic for girls’ night out. Knowing your Enneagram helps you understand what motivates you to do things a certain way and can help you better understand the people you are closest to. So, what is the Enneagram?

What is the Enneagram?

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“The Enneagram is a system of personality typing that describes patterns in how people interpret the world and manage their emotions. It also describes nine personality types and maps each of these types on a nine-pointed diagram which helps to illustrate how the types relate to one another.” Molly Owens, CEO of Truity

So you may be wondering if this quiz is just like the personality tests you took in college. But it isn’t just a personality test, and it isn’t all about you. Knowing your Enneagram goes much deeper into learning why you do what you do. The Enneagram uses nine personality types divided into three categories: Heart, Head, and Body. Personality types help you analyze yourself and the world around you, allowing you to be your best self.

Understanding your Enneagram also helps you understand why the people you are closest to think and act as they do. Why do your partner, boss, or family members do things differently? Why do you react the way you do to their actions? Knowing your Enneagram type will help you better understand the answers to these questions.

The Nine Enneagram Personality Types

  1. The Perfectionist
  2. The Giver
  3. The Individualist
  4. The Investigator
  5. The Skeptic
  6. The Enthusiast
  7. The Challenger
  8. The Peacemaker

Each number focuses on specific motivations for why you feel, think, and do things a certain way. The Enneagram test is a series of statements about who you are as a person. You answer on a scale ranging from inaccurate to accurate with each statement. It’s important to answer each question as honestly as possible. You might even surprise yourself as you answer some of the questions. Once you complete the Enneagram test, your results will be broken down into percentages for each number. You probably have a few of the nine personality types, but your highest scorer is probably one or two. From here, you will read through each personality type that scored strongest for your results to decide which one you believe fits you the most.

People can lean toward one number for some things, but they can resonate with another number for different things. For example, you might be a full 2 with a wing 3. At this point, it probably sounds like we are speaking a foreign language. Still, it will make more sense once you take the Enneagram test and begin learning more about each of the nine personality types. Don’t overwhelm yourself with trying to immediately learn each personality type. Knowing your Enneagram will help you understand the core reasons why you do what you do, what you are afraid of, and what ultimately drives every decision you make. From here, you can begin learning about the other personality types to help you better understand other people’s motivations.

Knowing Your Enneagram and How Can It Help Your Life?

Knowing your Enneagram | Enneagram Test | Personality Types | Learning About the Enneagram | Enneagram Resources |Wellness | Bubbly Moments

Understanding your Enneagram number can help you better understand how to live a happy, fulfilling life. It can help you in different areas of your life like marriage, parenting, work, or personal goals. It can help you understand how you spend or save money. How you interact with certain family members, co-workers, or friends. Why do you feel strongly about specific parenting methods as opposed to others? What personality traits start presenting when you feel a particular emotion? Enneagram will help you understand the why and motivation behind your actions and why you do things a certain way.

“The Enneagram doesn’t put you in a box. It shows you the box you are already in and how to get out of it.” – Ian Morgan Cron

Learning About the Enneagram

The Enneagram is all about motivation. It’s learning and understanding why you do things a specific way. If you understand why someone operates the way they do, it can help you react and understand better when you know the motivation behind their actions. For example, let’s say you and your partner love to travel together. But the first day of each vacation begins with an argument. You want to immediately explore and find new experiences, but they want to walk straight to the concierge and plan every waking hour of your trip. So naturally, you each have very different expectations of what you want this vacation to be.

Understanding and knowing one another’s Enneagram numbers can be very helpful in setting expectations before and during your trip. The more you understand each other’s motivations and reasons behind why or how you do something, the better you can react and compromise with one another. Knowing your Enneagram and your partner’s Enneagram can help you learn and grow.  Moreover, it can help how you approach different situations and challenges.

With that being said, it’s crucial not to make assumptions about what Enneagram number people fit into unless they have also researched and assessed what number they believe they best fit into. Referencing our earlier example, if your partner hasn’t studied the Enneagram and doesn’t know what number they resonate with, you definitely don’t know. You may know them better than anyone else, but you can only assume, and we all know that assuming is never a healthy thing to do in any relationship. If you don’t honestly know what motivates someone to do something, it’s best to only focus on why you react the way that you do.

Where Do I Begin with the Enneagram?

Knowing your Enneagram | Enneagram Test | Personality Types | Learning About the Enneagram | Enneagram Resources |Wellness | Bubbly Moments

Enneagram Test & Resources

Knowing your Enneagram | Enneagram Test | Personality Types | Learning About the Enneagram | Enneagram Resources |Wellness | Bubbly Moments
  • Truity: If you are interested in learning about the Enneagram but aren’t ready to take the full plunge into the Enneagram world, Truity is the perfect Enneagram resource to help you learn about the Enneagram. Take Truity’s free Enneagram test and read their numerous blogs on the Enneagram to help you get started.
  • The Enneagram Institute: If you are serious about diving deeper and learning about the Enneagram, The Enneagram Institute is the place for you! Take their in-depth Enneagram test assessment, sign-up for their newsletter for news, updates, and events, and find courses and seminars near you.

Are you interested in learning about the Enneagram? Have you taken the Enneagram test? Do you already know your Enneagram number? Do you use the Enneagram to help you become your best self and better your relationship with others? Comment Below!


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