What is a Crossbite? Effects and Treatment

A crossbite often presents during childhood and does not correct itself as the child gets older. There are different kinds of crossbites and they can affect both the front and back teeth, posing possible health risks. No matter the severity, crossbites can cause damage to your teeth from grinding, affect the look of your smile, damage your gums, or affect jaw growth and facial symmetry. Early diagnosis during childhood and correcting the condition as early as possible helps reduce the risk of further complications.
What is a Crossbite?
With a normal bite, your upper teeth should sit and cover the outside of your bottom teeth. A crossbite occurs when some of the upper teeth go inside the bottom teeth. This misalignment can affect your smile, sometimes reducing your self-esteem. It could also cause potential health issues, such as jaw and muscle pain, temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ), headaches, increase risk for dental decay and gum disease. It can lead to severe teeth grinding and even contribute to abnormal facial development in children. There are two types of crossbites: an anterior crossbite and a posterior crossbite.

Anterior Crossbite
An anterior crossbite occurs when your upper front teeth sit behind your lower front teeth when you bite down. Causes of anterior crossbites can be dental or skeletal. Dental cases typically begin in children with baby teeth or mixed dentition. Delayed eruption of primary upper teeth can lead to lingual movement of the primary lower teeth. Crowding in the maxillary arch can also contribute to anterior crossbites. Missing upper front teeth, supernumerary lower front teeth or premature exfoliation of deciduous upper front teeth are some of the other dental causes for an anterior crossbite.
Skeletal causes of anterior crossbites include mandibular hyperplasia (big lower jaw) and maxillary hypoplasia (small upper jaw). Mandibular hyperplasia is the over-enlargement of the mandible bone while maxillary hypoplasia is the underdevelopment of the maxillary bone.

Posterior Crossbite
With a posterior crossbite, your top back teeth sit inside the bottom back teeth. It is often connected to a narrow maxilla and upper arch. Thumb sucking, prolonged use of a pacifier, or upper airway obstruction are all common causes of a narrow palate and contribute to posterior crossbites. Posterior crossbites are more common than anterior crossbites, affecting up to 23% of the population.
What Happens if You Don’t Treat a Crossbite?
Leaving a crossbite untreated can lead to a variety of different dental and health concerns. These can include:

Treatment Options for Crossbite
Treatment for an anterior or posterior crossbite should begin as soon as it is diagnosed in children. Orthodontic treatment in children, such as an expander or braces, allows the orthodontist to take advantage of the natural growing process, making crossbite treatment easier. However, treatment options are still available for adults who were not diagnosed and treated on time. Orthodontic treatment options for anterior and posterior crossbites include:
Crossbites are a common dental issue that can lead to a variety of complications if left untreated. Luckily, with early diagnosis, treatment can begin early, reducing the risk of further complications. And, even if you are an adult with an untreated crossbite, it isn’t too late to be treated and give you a beautiful smile. If your dentist diagnoses you with an anterior or posterior crossbite, schedule an orthodontic consultation as soon as possible. Don’t let misaligned teeth keep you from smiling or contribute to poor oral health!
Have You or Any of Children Been Diagnosed With a Crossbite? What Type of Orthodontic Treatment Was Done? Comment Below!
Wow, what a great presentation. I love the office setting. Thanks for sharing!
I had a severe crossbite. My entire lower jaw was shifted to the right and my face was noticeably crooked. My parents didn’t fix my teeth when I was a kid so my brother paid to fix them when I was an adult. I had braces from 22-25. The ortho wanted to set up the jaw breaker surgery for my crossbite but I thought it sounded horrific and therefore very, very expensive. So I declined and they informed me my crossbite would never be perfect but they could vastly improve it with rubber bands. Basically I kept making an “X” for ages and eventually it all came together. I’m sure my ortho could see how they weren’t exactly perfect but I tell you I remember the moment I realized my face wasn’t crooked any more and nothing else mattered. And I’m telling you I faithfully wore those rubber bands. My brother changed my life when he fixed my teeth and I’m forever grateful