Jifu Travel | Discount Travel Site | Get a Jifu Buddy Pass

Jifu Travel | Buddy Pass | Travel Club | Cheap Travel |Discount Travel Site | Reduced Price Hotel | Flight | Resort | Bubbly Moments

Jifu travel is the cheap travel planners dream. Once you become a member of the discount travel site a new world opens to you as well as your friends and family. You see, Jifu Travel is a game-changer online booking website that can make your next adventure absolutely amazing. Cutting out all of the unnecessary frills of travel booking like using separate companies, Jifu provides everything you need right in one place. You can enjoy cheap travel any time of the year by using the discount travel site.

By sharing an invitation for a Buddy Pass within your social circle you can also earn rewards with Jifu travel. Use them to purchase incredibly low priced getaways on the website. The membership is $50 one time fee and $25 per month after that. You get 5 buddy passes upon signing up; 5 buddy passes per month afterwards. Jifu travel really is the best travel club for guaranteed low prices.

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How the Jifu Buddy Pass Works

Access hundreds of thousands of hotels and resorts with Jifu at the same time you book your rental car and plan exciting adventures. Then, once you have used your own discounts, you will be able to share them with the people in your life, only deepening your own travel rewards. By sharing a Buddy Pass with someone you know, they too can gain discounts and save hundreds of dollars without spending one penny on a membership.

Jifu Travel | Buddy Pass | Travel Club | Cheap Travel |Discount Travel Site | Reduced Price Hotel | Flight | Resort | Bubbly Moments

How does that all add up? In sharing a Buddy Pass you give 50% of the savings to your friend, then they travel and you get 50% reward credits back. The shared savings are astounding and only continue to grow over time.   

For example, if you save $1,000 on a trip, your Buddy will save $500. Then you get the $500 back in reward credits you can use later to save. That adds up to 50,000 reward credits! The reward credits can be used for anything including hotels, rental cars, cruises, airfare and more.

Basically, in the world of travel planning it all comes down to the calendar and the price. Not only do you need everything you want, but you also need it when you need it. Without being complicated, Jifu allows you the freedom to compare prices and get all of your travel needs met in one place while you gain benefits and save tons of money.

The Jifu Compensation Plan

Jifu Travel | Buddy Pass | Travel Club | Cheap Travel |Discount Travel Site | Reduced Price Hotel | Flight | Resort | Bubbly Moments

When you become a Jifu member and you start using the services provided, you automatically earn 5 Buddy Passes upon membership sign up and 5 Buddy Passes each month afterwards. This gives the person the ability to save hundreds of dollars.

Travel pricing today includes large search engines like Priceline and Expedia. Following this basic travel pricing is how the companies compete.

How travel pricing works:

  • Retail Price. This is what you pay directly or through your travel agent.

  • Discounted Price. When you book through travel agencies online like Priceline.com and Expedia.com.

  • Unpublished Wholesale Pricing. This is exclusive pricing that is not available for public sale.

If the pricing scenario is as follows …

  • Retail price is $7,000
  • Buddy price is $5,000
  • Wholesale price is $3,000

A Buddy pass would save $2,000 making one traveler very happy. Then, as the giver of the Buddy pass you would receive an additional 50% of the savings in Jifu travel credit. That means that each Buddy pass used earns 1,000 towards your next trip.

Here is an example of a Buddy pass search for Orlando, FL offering some of the biggest dollar savings. Buddy pass saves $974. The black box shows what the person would save if they paid $50 one time fee and $25 per month afterwards.  So for $350 annual membership, you could save an additional $955 or a total of $1929. It’s an amazing deal! Obviously, that is on a $5,123 stay but still a pretty great deal.  

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Jifu Travel Offers Everything You Need

If you have tried to plan a trip in the past, you may already know that it is never as simple as booking one reservation. You can make the travel process easy on yourself by booking with Jifu. Use the travel club to get everything you need for some of the cheapest prices for travel online.

Jifu Travel | Buddy Pass | Travel Club | Cheap Travel |Discount Travel Site | Reduced Price Hotel | Flight | Resort | Bubbly Moments

Membership to the Discount Travel Site Provides:

  • Hotel, Flight & Resort. You and your buddy will gain access to over 400,000 hotels and resorts all over the world.

  • Rental Cars. International locations include over 30 rental car providers. Global locations include 49,000 locations.

  • Activities & Excursions. Check with Jifu travel for 20,000 different ways to enjoy activities and excursions in over 1,000 travel destinations. You can get tickets, coupons and make appointments online.  

  • Concierge Services. Live chat with our agents able to assist all Jifu members with reservations, updating your existing plans and future booking.

  • Cruises. Choose from 14 cruise lines including Celebrity, Carnival, Disney Holland and more.  

  • Loyalty Programs. Every Jifu member earns immediate rewards. In time, members earn even more reward credits they can use to purchase anything on the website.

How Can I Get a Buddy Pass?

It is easy to get the Buddy pass. Sign up today for a free JIFU Buddy Pass here. Once you register, click the “Buddy Pass Form” in the navigation and invite your friends to join Jifu for free. You can send your Buddy Pass invitation link via email or share on social media. It’s up to you how high you want to let your Jifu rewards soar. Over time, you earn points and additional membership rewards you can redeem to see even more vacation destinations.

Jifu Travel | Buddy Pass | Travel Club | Cheap Travel |Discount Travel Site | Reduced Price Hotel | Flight | Resort | Bubbly Moments

The Buddy Pass

  • Hotel, Flight & Resort. You and your buddy will gain access to over 400,000 hotels and resorts all over the world.

  • Rental Cars. International locations include over 30 rental car providers. Global locations include 49,000 locations.

  • Activities & Excursions. Check with Jifu travel for 20,000 different ways to enjoy activities and excursions in over 1,000 travel destinations. You can get tickets, coupons and make appointments online.  

  • Concierge Services. Live chat with our agents able to assist all Jifu members with reservations, updating your existing plans and future booking.

  • Cruises. Choose from 14 cruise lines including Celebrity, Carnival, Disney Holland and more.  

  • Loyalty Programs. Every Jifu member earns immediate rewards. In time, members earn even more reward credits they can use to purchase anything on the website.

Jifu Travel | Buddy Pass | Travel Club | Cheap Travel |Discount Travel Site | Reduced Price Hotel | Flight | Resort | Bubbly Moments

Just think of it this way: your friends and family are already paying retail price to travel. And they have to pay separately for all of the accommodations plus additional benefits that you already earn with a Jifu travel membership. You share your travel photos with your friends and family members now. So, next time you take a vacation selfie, use the photo to entice a buddy to travel more and join you in astounding savings. Then, send them a Buddy Pass invitation to save them and yourself tons of cash in rewards credits.

You can learn to love to travel to far off destinations, take getaways and even enjoy staycations along with your friends, family and co-works by simply sharing the Buddy Pass form link with your friends on social media along with your travel photos. It really couldn’t be easier to start traveling more!   

Stop letting your friends and family members pay full retail price for traveling. You can share your savings with the Jifu Buddy pass. Just send the invitation, receive the rewards and watch the savings.

Jifu Travel | Buddy Pass | Travel Club | Cheap Travel |Discount Travel Site | Reduced Price Hotel | Flight | Resort | Bubbly Moments

Jifu is your passport to endless adventures. And you can take anyone along! The best part about Jifu travel benefits include sharing the savings. Just consider switching your travel planning approach to include JIFU – the ultimate wholesale travel club! You can travel now and maintain a low price guarantee. Jifu will also refund 110% of the difference if you find a lower price anywhere online.


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One Comment

  1. Christina Gould June 21, 2019 at 3:02 pm - Reply

    I have never heard of this service. It sounds like a great idea. Thanks for posting!

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